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  We need to use the right jab to deliver powerful jabs that rock Hillary and resonate with our party base. But we also need the left hook to come around alongside the right jab to appeal to the Sanders voters and knock Hillary out. The right jab will pound out our core issues: the fight against terrorism, the need to restrict immigration, the importance of freeing our economy of taxes and regulations that stymie economic growth, and the urgent need to preserve private health care. Those are the issues that will drive our base to the polls. And Donald Trump is the one who will be able to bring back those who have stayed home in the past, numbed by cynicism into apathy.

  But we need to battle with our left hook, too, to enlist our friends who supported Bernie Sanders in a common struggle to hold Wall Street accountable, end crony capitalism and corporate welfare, revise and junk one-sided trade deals that throw workers out of their jobs, and limit intrusive government surveillance of honest, good people. Most of the Sanders vote shares more than just ideology in common. They detest Hillary. These voters distrust her and see her as an essentially dishonest and as an opportunistic liar who will say anything to get elected and then do as she pleases. And Donald Trump will repeatedly reiterate the reasons for the rampant distrust of Hillary that she cannot conceivably overcome.

  In an April 6, 2016, McClatchy/Marist survey, one-quarter of the respondents said they would never vote for Hillary in November. That’s a lot of potential voters to join our cause. Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump offered a critique of the multiple trade agreements that Hillary has supported that fits perfectly into Sanders’s criticism of income inequality. It is these deals, the Left and the Right know, that are driving down the middle class. We can unite with the Left in explaining how trade agreements that benefit the business establishments of both parties simultaneously impoverish American workers.

  We also need to appeal to workers to split with their party dogma in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants. In the elite Manhattan living rooms, the wealthy and those who Peggy Noonan calls the “protected” can talk about how we are a nation of immigrants, but the blue-collar mechanic who struggles with stagnant wages knows that it is competition from illegal immigrants who are willing to work for almost nothing that binds him to a third-world level of compensation.

  Those establishment liberals who dwell in the “bicoastal” global economy may rail against the old “trickle down” theory, but the insurgents on the Left and the Right grasp that quantitative easing (QE), flooding Wall Street banks with cash, is the ultimate in trickle-down economics. The Trump and Sanders voters all realized that when the Federal Reserve showered Wall Street banks with $3.7 trillion in cash, they were simply paying off their friends and feathering the nests to which they would flock when their government service ends. There was never a real chance that the money would filter down to small businesses struggling to stay afloat.

  The Left insurgents also know that there are only two candidates who rejected Wall Street money because they did not want to be beholden to them: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Sanders will be gone, but his message about Hillary Clinton remains: Hillary is the darling of Wall Street, and those huge contributions come with a very long string attached. Donald Trump will continue that line of attack, pounding the message every day. And it will work. Because voters know that the candidate who has received the most direct campaign contributions from Wall Street folks is Hillary Clinton—in addition to more than $15 million they gave to her PACs.4 They get it that these donations were on top of the $3 million in Wall Street speaking fees in the first two years since she left office. And then there’s Bill’s $8 million from the big Wall Street banks.5 So there’s lots of room for common ground. Let’s find it and make it work to our advantage.

  It’s important to remember that Hillary Clinton is a deeply flawed candidate. And no one recognizes that like Donald Trump. Scandal follows her everywhere because she is corrupt and dishonest, and she believes, understandably, that she can get away with anything. After all, up until now, she has done just that. Like political acrobats, Hillary and Bill have successfully dodged scandal after scandal ever since they entered public life. Not because they were innocent, but because a variety of circumstances made it impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they were guilty. After all, sometimes guilt or innocence hangs on what the definition of “is” is.

  But we forget that almost every single scandal in the Bill Clinton White House was caused by Hillary: Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, her amazing windfall in the commodities futures market, the Health Care Task Force’s illegal secrecy, the household furniture and gifts taken from the White House to Chappaqua, Vince Foster’s suicide, Webb Hubbell’s disgrace—all Hillary scandals. Even many of the problems with Bill’s women were seriously exacerbated by Hillary. When Paula Jones, who accused him of making sexual overtures, offered to settle her suit for no money, no apology, and no admission by Bill, Hillary wouldn’t let him take the deal. Why not? Because Paula wanted Bill to say that he sent a trooper to invite her to his room. Even though the invitation could have been innocuous, Hillary was determined not to give credibility to an article in the right-wing Spectator Magazine that accused Bill of using troopers to arrange his illicit dates.

  Bill, cowed, followed Hillary dictates, and the Jones suit went on and on. Ultimately, it led to his perjury, the revelation of the Lewinsky affair, his impeachment, his criminal misdemeanor conviction, his disbarment, and his disgrace. It also cost the Clintons almost $1 million. But Hillary was spared the embarrassment of an implication that Bill had cheated on her. The Clinton White House pardon scandal was largely Bill’s doing, but Hillary played a role there too. The FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist group that bombed the Capital and Fraunces Tavern, killing four civilians, never even asked for a pardon of any sort and suddenly saw their sentences commuted.

  Why? Because Hillary needed the Latino support for her New York senate race. Likewise, a Hasidic group successfully lobbied Hillary to get her husband to pardon key leaders in their community. He did—after she arranged a meeting with President Clinton for their supporters. And then, of course, her brothers were paid huge sums of money to lobby the president to pardon their jailed clients, including one of the biggest crack dealers in the country. Again, Bill bowed to Hillary’s wishes. Just as once all roads led to Rome, so all scandals lead to Hillary. And after the White House years, the scandals continued. Hillary’s and Bill’s speaking fees, the Benghazi cover-up, and her use of a private e-mail server all riveted our attention.

  For decades, people have wondered about the Clinton marriage. Dick believes that it was a real romance that gradually became a marriage of convenience by two business partners. But who knew that it would become a RICO, a virtual racketeering organization? Bill ran around like a bag man collecting a staggering $221,139,516 in speaking and consulting fees that he deposited in his joint bank account with Hillary, while his wife, the secretary of state, reciprocated by doing favors for foreign governments. Do the Russians want to own 20% of the US uranium supply? Does the dictator of Kazakhstan want international approval? Does Dubai want to attract foreign investment? No problem. Just invite Bill to give a speech and, presto, you have Hillary’s State Department working 24/7 for you—and even organizing an event at the State Department for the top 100 CEOs in America to meet the business community in the U.A.E.

  What are friends for?

  Bill and Hillary seem to have gotten away with it all. But did they? The constant drumbeat of scandal, caused by their addiction to skating right up to the line, has left a deep legacy of distrust and dislike by American voters. Hillary trumpets the fact that after all of the investigations, she has never actually been convicted of anything, or even indicted. But as Mark White, former governor of Texas, once told Dick about his predecessor John Connally, he “taught us all the difference between not guilty and innocent.” So have Bill and Hillary. If Hillary escapes indictment after the FBI investigation of her misuse of her e-m
ail at the State Department, will she learn her lesson, draw in her horns, and walk the straight and narrow? If you ask, you don’t know Hillary.

  The threat and fear of punishment is intended to deter the offender from repeating the prohibited conduct. But in Hillary’s case, evading the punishment, once again, will have the opposite effect—it will embolden her. It will be the final vindication of her lifelong certainty that the rules don’t apply to her, that by having a thick skin and, perhaps, no superego, she can make it through anything. The famous quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “Conscience doth make cowards of us all,” has nothing to do with Hillary. Hillary is animated by a deep sense of entitlement. She feels herself to be so superior in morality to mere mortals that rules and laws don’t bother her. They’re for other people.

  When Dick called Hillary in 1997 to report that he had heard that Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr was near to indicting her, she responded, “He wouldn’t dare!” And she believes that. She’s different; she’s special. Nobody would dare try to make her accountable for her conduct. If she dodges another bullet, she will definitively know that she can get away with anything. Meanwhile, her credibility has taken a big hit. A Quinnipiac poll in the summer of 2015 found that 61% of the respondents felt that Hillary was not “honest and trustworthy,” while only 34% felt she was.

  Hillary even lied about lying! Asked by CBS reporter Scott Pelley whether she always tells the truth to the American people, she pondered the question. “Mmmhmmm.” Finally she offered a strange response. It was not a yes or no. Instead, she said that she “does her best to level with the American people.” What the heck does that mean? You are either honest with people or not. There’s no such thing as doing your best to be honest. It was vintage Hillary. You could almost see her brain whirling and her paranoia overtaking her. Does he have something on me? Is he going to trick me and get me to say yes, when he has proof of a lie? Time to play it safe and block any opportunity, so she left it with doing her best to be honest.

  Message for Hillary: Your best isn’t good enough.

  When asked to explain why nearly two-thirds of Americans find her to be dishonest and untrustworthy, Hillary says it has nothing to do with her and routinely blames it on the Republicans. Her rationale is that the Republicans have told such horrible lies about her for so long, that voters believe them. Let’s hope so. But despite her decades of scandal, she is not in jail or even on her way. So will these attacks matter? Damn right they will. Each hit has taken a chunk out of her armor and made her more vulnerable and less believable. “Mmmhmmm.”

  Donald Trump will exploit the rampant distrust of Hillary every single day. He’s already calling her “Hillary the Crook.” This pet name evokes the worst of Hillary and we’ll be hearing it from now until November. It’s like a Rorschach test—each time Trump says it, every voter can conjure up the meaning for themselves. (And there’s so much to choose from!)

  The Democratic Party’s Civil War

  The nomination contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has been nothing less than a civil war, splitting the Democratic Party and publicly shattering its unity. Even as Hillary closes in on the nomination, the party’s grassroots is in full revolt against the establishment, embodied by Hillary Clinton. The privilege, entitlement, and corruption that she and Bill have manifested by taking $153 million in speaking fees from major special interests makes her the epitome of corruption, the poster child for the establishment.

  The outing of the covert and illicit liaison between the Democratic Party and Wall Street has dramatically shattered the faith of the average Democratic activist in their party’s leaders. Hilary Clinton’s millions in speakers fees from Wall Street and her refusal to release the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs have fueled the anger of the Sanders voters, who rightfully connect the dots and see the quid pro quos that are lurking out there—and still due.

  This discord in the Democratic Party has not been merely a personal repudiation of Hillary Clinton; it challenges the very essence of the Democratic Party and what it claims to stand for. The grass roots are fed up. A revolt is in progress. Even as Hillary proceeds to do battle with us in November, the rifts that have surrounded her party are not about to heal by themselves. The Sanders voters are not going away. Hillary’s futile attempts to scare the party’s base with lurid warnings about the evil Republicans won’t be enough to bring them back into the fold. Remember what happened in 1968 when the Democratic Party was last ripped apart by its young college activists challenging the leadership. Back then, it was the students protesting the war in Vietnam. Led by Bobby Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy, they attacked President Lyndon Johnson and the party’s candidate, Hubert Humphrey. The establishment won. But the kids stayed home and Richard Nixon won the election. That’s what may be happening here. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot put the Democratic Party together again.

  But the Democratic civil war holds opportunity for us in November only if we exploit it—only if the Republicans stand on the same ground as Bernie Sanders did in the primaries. We must pick up where he left off in his critique of Hillary and the sell-outs who comprise her party’s leadership.

  Count on Donald Trump to do that.

  Hillary Would be Obama’s Third Term

  The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution limits presidents to two terms. But history is full of men who reached their eighth year in the White House and sought to install their favored successor to extend their power for four more. Andrew Jackson had Van Buren. Theodore Roosevelt had Taft. FDR had Truman. Reagan had Bush. Now Obama seeks to have a figurative third term through Hillary.

  She may not have been his first choice. Rumor has it that he would rather his successor were to be his VP, Joe Biden. But Hillary will do. Whatever the personal friction between Bill and Barack, Hillary can be counted on to follow Obama’s agenda faithfully. To the letter. So the question is: Are we about to grant Obama a third term? We have a moral duty to protect America from that future, to protect our families from that future. Let’s do it together.

  We’ve already seen what eight years of Obama has done to us at home as well as to our standing in the world. Four more years would permanently expand Obama’s massive assaults on our national psyche, our national culture, and our national reputation. It has to end. November 5, 2016, will be our Armageddon, our last battle to stop Obama, to stop Clinton, and to stop the advent of socialism. Our last battle to save America. If we don’t change the power structure by throwing the Democrats out of the White House in November, we are unquestionably doomed to Obama’s third term.

  We’ve seen a preview of what to expect in the future. Already, Hillary Clinton has grabbed on to every last one of Obama’s catastrophic policies and, in most cases, suggests expanding them. They’re two peas in a dangerous pod. Even during the Democratic primary, Obama has shown his preference for Hillary and brazenly commented on an FBI investigation that he admits he knows nothing about, but dismisses to help Hillary. It’s a mutually beneficial political deal. He supports her and she agrees to protect his legacy. That won’t be a big problem for Hillary because she sincerely embraces Obama’s warped vision. Let’s get rid of them both.

  We need you to enlist and join the ultimate battle, the war to stop Hillary Clinton once and for all. Yes, we’re all weary. The battles of the past eight years of the Obama presidency have sapped our strength. But we are not dead, not by a long shot. As the poet John Dryden wrote, “I am sore wounded, but not slain. I will lay me down and bleed a while and then rise to fight again.” We have bled for eight years as we have been bludgeoned by Obama’s actions that will be expanded by an emboldened Hillary Clinton. But now it’s time to rise up to fight again. And this time, we have to win. We will win.

  It’s Our Last Chance

  This election truly our last chance—and we must take it.

  It is our last chance to stop Obama and Hillary from so permanently changing America that it will be impo
ssible to restore the ideals that we have cherished all of our lives. 2016 will be our last, and decisive, battle in the struggle against the socialist uniformity, collective anti-individualism, executive usurpation, and political corruption that will unquestionably be the hallmark of a Hillary Clinton presidency. If we win, we can rebound and return to what we once were before Obama and Clinton. If we lose, we will be condemned to a traumatic loss of our historical freedoms and constitutional protections.

  Donald Trump can stop that. We have to help him do it.

  If Hillary wins, we can expect cataclysmic changes to voting rights. November 5, 2016, may well be our last chance to cast votes in an election where our votes are not drowned out by those of millions of illegal immigrants. First, Hillary will grant them amnesty, then citizenship, and then she will use their votes to stuff the ballot box and let her party govern in perpetuity. That’s what immigration “reform” is all about—loading up Democratic Party votes by generating a massive pool of new voters beholden to the Democrats.

  This election will be our last chance to vote to curb the myriad of welfare payments that are sucking our nation dry. Obama and Clinton want to transform America into a European model of social welfare in which a majority of citizens receive government support and see no problem in taxing the minority who pay for the entitlements. Taxes are paid by fewer and fewer people each year—only 45% last year—at the same time that entitlements are drawn by more and more. We have to stop this. This election is our very last chance to stop the insanity. If we can’t, we are bound to go the way of Detroit or Greece.

  It is also our last chance to stand up against ISIS and terrorism before the cancer metastasizes and spreads throughout the West. Before we see terrorists, disguised as refugees, flock to our soil and wreak their havoc and mayhem directly on our families, we must defeat Hillary. Because she wants to let them in and will not admit that there is no way to “vet” migrant immigrants from Syria and Libya. Why does she want them? Because surveys show that 80% of Muslims vote Democrat.